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Suicide Prevention Presentation Packs in Powerful Information

Writer's picture: Jenna WhiteJenna White
"This is a picture of my son Charles. He was the funniest and most popular kid in school yet the funniest, most popular kid in school suffered from depression, became addicted to heroin, and killed himself six years ago. He is the absolute last person I would have ever thought would have killed himself."

These were the opening words of Anne Moss Rogers on Monday November 15th, during her presentation Emotionally Naked Truth About Suicide. Since his death, Anne has become a fierce advocate for suicide prevention. Her first book Diary of Broken Mind, is the story of Charles' life as an artist, his suffering that resulted in suicide, and the families journey throughout it all.

Anne was then asked by her publisher to write a second book, Emotionally Naked: An Teacher's Guide to Preventing Suicide and Recognizing Students at Risk. Co-written by a school social worker, this guide is endorsed by The Jed Foundation and compiled interviews from hundreds of students, families, clinicians, researchers and educators.

Her presentation tells Charles' story, while providing vital facts and figures about youth suicide. She weaves in practical steps families and educators can take while debunking common myths and assumptions about youth mental health and suicide. The event closes with a question and answer session.

To learn more about PTA's work on Healthy Minds here.

About Anne

Anne Moss Rogers is an emotionally naked® keynote speaker, TEDx storyteller, certified suicide prevention trainer, NAMI Virginia board member, and the award-winning author of the memoir, Diary of a Broken Mind. After her 20-year-old son, Charles died by suicide June 5, 2015, Anne Moss chronicled her family’s tragedy in a newspaper article that went viral, and her blog, Emotionally Naked, has reached millions. Her second book with co-writer Kim O’Brien Phd, LICSW, published through Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Publishing brand, is Emotionally Naked: A Teacher’s Guide to Preventing Suicide and Recognizing Students at Risk. A UNC-Chapel Hill alumna, she lives in Richmond, VA with her husband. Her surviving son, Richard, is a filmmaker in LA.


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