YES! The *NEW* Bylaws Revision is complete and they are ready to move forward with a more streamlined process than ever before. These bylaws went into effect Wednesday, July 21, 2021 for ALL local units in Virginia.
Local units do not need to do any extra work, other than transfer all of your already approved bylaws items to the new Organizational Structure Form. There is one additional form to complete for your local unit records - Standards of Affiliation Agreement Form (SOA) - this will ensure that you can find your requirements for "good standing" all in one place. A new SOA FAQs is available as well.
The Organizational Structure Form will be due for compliance, as soon as your local unit can update in MemberHub or email no later than November 15, 2021 to info@vapta.org.
As promised, your local unit will no longer be responsible for updating your bylaws, that process will be handled annually - if needed - at the Virginia PTA Annual Meeting. Our process to accept any amendments will remain as they have in past years with advance notice and the process to submit any amendments. The following items are what has changed to provide this streamlined process and the removal of the 5-year local unit amendment process:
Article 3. Relationship with National PTA, Virginia PTA and Constituent Associations. Section 3.c.
Defines new Bylaws process for reporting information that was formerly contained within the document.
Article 4. Membership and Dues. Section 11.
Moves this information from the membership toolkit to the Bylaws for better understanding of term (fiscal) year and expiration of actual membership within the association, as determined by the VAPTA Board of Directors.
Article 5: Officers and Their Election. Section 1.
Defines the officers for local units. Due to the low number of units utilizing the president-elect structure, this position is being phased out for election year 2023.
Article 5: Officers and Their Election. Section 4. A. and C.
Establishes elections take place at the last general membership of the school year and all officers shall take office by the start of the new fiscal year – July 1st.
Article 6: Duties of Officers. Section 2.
Establishes president-elect position for currently approved local units. Position is being phased out for election year 2023.
Article 6: Duties of Officers. Section 3.
Provides for the vice president positions as listed on the Organizational Structure Form.
Article 7: Executive Committee. Section 4.
Moves information from the Article to the Organizational Structure Form.
Article 8: Executive Board. Section 6.
Moves information from the Article to the Organizational Structure Form.
Article 9: Committees. Section 2.
Moves information from the Article to the Organizational Structure Form.
Article 10: General Membership Meetings. Section All.
Establishes the process for general membership meetings and the ability to host virtual general membership meetings. Establishes a minimum and maximum for quorum. Establishes no proxy voting. Establishing when the last general membership meeting of the fiscal year should take place to meet compliance.
Article 11: Council Membership. Section 1 and 2.
Moves information from the Article to the Organizational Structure Form, for local units who belong to a Council.
Article 12: District Membership . Section 1.
Establishes Virginia PTA designates district for local units. Moves information from the Article to the Organizational Structure Form on your currently designated district (units will be notified of any changes).
Article 14: Amendments to VAPTA Uniform Bylaws. Section 1.
Establishes that the general membership of VAPTA is the only authority to amend bylaws after approval of the VAPTA Board of Directors. Establishes the timeline when proposed amendments will be provided to each level of VAPTA.
Article 16: Application of These Uniform Bylaws.
Binds the uniform bylaws process from the 5-year amendment requirement of the local units. Establishes the approved bylaws, adopted at the VAPTA Annual Meeting, are the sole and exclusive bylaws of all local units.